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  Wanna participate in localizing Subtitles Translator?  
   I am looking for people, who would like to localize this program into some more languages, as I am getting emails saying that some people do not understand English as well but want to use the program.
If you want to help, follow these steps:
1a. Go to online localization site and see if your language is not listed or the possition for your language is free.
2a. Login/Register to gain access to your online langpack and follow the instructions on the site for transalting.
3a. As soon as you finish translating the last line, I get acknowledged of your achievement and I'll care about the rest.
   Or if you still use modem for connecting to internet and every minute spent online costs you fortune, you can still localize the "old" way:
1b. See the list below if your language is still untranslated. (you can go for full langpack, if basic is already translated)
2b. Download this langpack including language file and help files in HTML format.
3b. Translate the files according to instructions in included readme.txt.
4b. Send me back the results.
That's it!
  Download language packs  
   You can download full langpacks (if available) which include *.lng file and the help file, or you can download basic langpacks, which include *.lng file only.
Full langpacks:

Basic langpacks:

   After you download the .zip files, unpack the contents to the Subtitles Translator directory (if you have full langpack, you have to overwrite English help file translator.chm or rename it to something like translator-en.chm). Run Translator and go to menu Options->Configuration->Localization->Choose language pack. In the dialog specify the downloaded .lng file and there you go!


Movie player with
subtitles support