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  If you would like to donate me some money, please read  
   It's a long time since I created my first version of Subtitles Translator and I always thought about it as a fun time spent coding and exploring C++. Since then I encountered many new challenges to be implemented in ST, gained cool knowledge and learned new tricks about this wonderful world of programming.
   From the beginning I released the ST as freeware to share something I created with other cinema fans, who enjoy spending hours translating their favorite movies just to get in return one line in end credits: translated by:. It is the same feeling as when you receive an email saying that your application is pretty good and some even consider it as the best for translating subtitles.
   So now it's finally time for you to send me your money... :))) I'm not sure if this is really possible in this world but I've heard some rumors that there are people on this planet who are willing to pay for something they don't have to. They send their hard earned money to someone they don't even know and who's just having fun programming an application which is free anyway and spends all that cash on alcohol and women.
   Anyway, if you feel that you have to send me some money (because you're enormously rich, think that you have to thank me this way, wanna prove me the mentioned theory + any other reasons people can come up with), you can use PayPal since I created an account there. Send me any amount you wish in any currency available (maybe one day I'll let you know that I was actually able to get from the bank a fat check and I'm living at some pacific island spending my day sun-bathing and drinking coconut milk in the shades of palm trees with sexy local girl... ough, back to the reality).

   Oh, and one last thing... ST is still freeware and will stay freeware.

You can donate me via paypal to the email address



Movie player with
subtitles support