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  03/05/2019 - Added langpack  
   New basic Korean langpack. Visit localization section.

  07/04/2013 - Born on 4th of July - Subtitles Translator 2.00 finally available!  
   I know it took longer than expected (over seven years, really?!?) but the new version of Subtitles Translator is finally here. With the new media player from VisioForge, Subtitles Translator should be Win7/8 compattible so you don't need to keep the WinXP WM anymore :)
» Completely rewritten movie player part - new internal ActiveX control from VisioForge.
» Multiple audio tracks within file container supported together with quick switching inside the application.
» Better algorithm for resizing video window to fit the actual aspect ratio.
» Fixed bug causing to fail update the status bar when switching between the grids with TAB key.
» Fixed bug causing wrong number of selected rows in status bar when selecting from first row.
» Fixed minor bugs.
   Please let me know if there are any problems with the installation, as I am delivering Subtitles Translator inside an installation package for the first time (due to the ease of .ocx registration which could prove for some of the users difficult).

  02/21/2013 - Upcoming release v2.0  
   Good news everyone. In the upcoming week or two, I shall release new Subtitles Translator v2.0 with completely rewritten media player. I have incorporated free version of VisioForge Media Player Lite hence I don't need to pay for the ActiveX component (nevertheless donations are still welcomed). I have already most of the code ready, just need some polishing and preparing new strings for localization. Once I get that done, I'll try to release the new version asap. Stay tuned for more info!

  04/09/2010 - Windows Vista & Windows 7 fix  
   Finally, I have spent some time with Subtitles Translator (found out I almost forgot how to compile that thing) and since I have a work laptop with Windows Vista installed (which I hate), I goofed around with the movie player not displaying the frame numbers anymore. As it turned out, the problem is with Microsoft excluding WMP 6.4 ActiveX library from Vista and Windows 7 distribution. The only ActiveX player is WMP11 I believe. To fix the issue, I have included the WMP 6.4 OCX library from Windows XP and you can grab it from download page or straight from here. Once you download and extract the archive, read the included readme.txt to guide you with the installation. I have tested the fix under Vista Business 32bit and once installed the OCX, I was able to play .avi files by frame numbers, again. I encountered one problem, though. Once I uninstalled the OCX and tried to run ST, I've got some nasty error and ST crashed. Well, anyway... I am most certain that majority of you are already using some other software to translate the subtitles, but if you are the one still determined to use ST, give the fix a try and please report back to me, if it's working or not.
   But this is not the end of the story! Since I run into these problems with WMP6.4 vs. WMP11, I have decided to include some third party ActiveX Movie Player into ST to avoid using WMP at all. The downside of this is that it will cost me at least $70 to buy the license for such a player (maybe as high as $170 if I want some nice features as overlay transparent subtitles), thus it would be nice of you to donate me some cash to cover for the expenses (who am I kidding, anyway?). I already received two donations few years back, so I know there are generous people out there. This could also mean, that ST will be also able to support new formats like .mkv and new codecs e.g. H.264.
   Currently, I am testing players from Viscom, Gogo and VisioForge. If you know of some good (and cheap) ActiveX Media Player, I could embed into ST please let me know.
   EDIT: According to reports and my own testing on Windows7, even this fix will not help with Windows7. Looks like the only solution will be once the new media player is included.

  12/31/2008 - Happy New Year  
   Wanted to wish you all Happy New Year 2009, hopefully it will bring something new to Subtitles Translator as well Hmmm?.
   Just a small change - Turkish langpack has been updated to ver. 1.72.

  08/22/2008 - Yearly update  
   A year passed and I found out that I did not code a single line which feels pretty bad Buaaaah. I really wish I could spend more time developing ST but with all the real life work, it's simply not possible (good old college times). Well, never mind... I must find a slot where I could squeeze in a new version of ST!

  08/19/2007 - Cashback time  
   Hey, I have just received my first donation through PayPal! It really made my day so I decided to put up an update regarding ST.
Currently, there are things on my TODO list which I have not mastered to code in, yet. I want to code my own menus, but have not found simple tutorial for doing this as of today. I know there are many already coded packages for this but I wanted to do it on my own so there are only things I want and they are done in a way I want. If you know such tutorial or piece of code that would work in Borland C++ Builder, please let me know.
I am also planning to implement style editor alowing you to format text in the grid to italic, bold, change color and some other features, but I did not have time yet to crack down the stupid StringGrid class ni BCB even though I have got some tutorial for that. If I ever manage to succeed, I am sure it would become a very handy feature.

  04/24/2007 - Added langpack  
   New basic Ukrainian langpack (thanks to Volodymyr Kozlikin). Visit localization section.

  08/05/2006 - Added langpack  
   New basic Russian langpack (thanks to Flying). Visit localization section.

  06/14/2006 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.72  
   The new version of Subtitles Translator brings the following:
» When dividing line, end/start times for divided lines get automatically computed.
» Replace text feature in addition to find.
» MicroDVD formating doesn't get counted into number of characters in a line.
» SubRip formating gets converted upon import/export to Subtitles Translator (italics, bold, underline, color).
» Control of video playback with a mouse (+scroll wheel).
» Possition of video window can be saved.
» Other bugfixes (mainly regarding updating of status line).

  06/04/2006 - Work on Subtitles Translator 1.72  
   I told you! The new version 1.72 is in already in half way state of completion, so hang in tight... If you want to see the progress, check the forum.

  02/05/2006 - Work in Progress  
   I am sure that many of you as the same question... Is the development of ST at stop? Will there be some new versions out? The answer is - no and hopefully. In the last year I did not have much free time that I would be willing to spend on coding ST. Currently I am still low on free time, but I miss on programming already so I launched C++ Builder only to find out, that I am not able to compile my project any more... After some investigation and hard trying I found out that the problem is probably in WMP which I upgraded to version 10. As usual, there's no way of removing this evil from my machine once it's installed so I am considering creating new partition with WinXP and Builder just for coding. Keep your fingers crossed that I will be able to resolve this issue and will bring you new version of ST in the near future. Yo!

  02/14/2005 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.71  
   The new version of Subtitles Translator brings the following:
» Interactive counting of characters in selected line.
» Alternative marking of too long line according to character count.
» Fixed bug causing duration not recounted after merging lines.
» Charset for subtitles under video changes according to upper/lower grid.
» Fixed bug causing errors in remapping shortcuts.
» Fixed bug causing editing cell loosing focus when the duration column's disabled and pressing left arrow.
» Fixed bug causing current line in project not set correctly when project was saved with disabled video.
» Other minor bugfixes.

  08/02/2004 - Updated the guide  
   Finally, I updated the guide about using ST adicoto sent me a long time ago (sorry for that, adi :).

  07/29/2004 - Added more langpacks  
   New full Polish langpack (thanks to Qerez) and basic Latvian langpack (thanks to Armands). Visit localization section.

  04/07/2004 - Ooops, I did it again...  
   I just found out a bug in ST 1.70, which disabled subtitles builded from scratch appear in the display window. The funny part is that this bug existed back in version 1.67 and nobody noticed . Just go to download section and grab the new build

  04/05/2004 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.70  
   The new version of Subtitles Translator brings the following:
» Import/Export of SubRip (*.srt) format.
» Selection of multiple cells with mouse.
» Cut/Copy/Paste of whole and multiple lines.
» Column for duration of subtitles.
» Searching for too many characters in line and too many lines in subtitles.
» Drag&Drop for video files.
» Grid lines can follow video upon playing.
» Current line with percental indicator.
» Fixed Mark In/Out, now should be working correctly.
» Many bugfixes (see help file for list).

  02/22/2004 - Want to know what will be the next version of ST like?  
   If you're eager about what will the next version of Subtitles Translator bring, you can track the development at ST forum in section What's going on.

  12/11/2003 - Possibility to donate through PayPal  
   I created an account at PayPal so you can donate me some dough (currently no credit cards payments 'cause I didn't upgrade my account to business type or something). Read more in Wanna Donate? section.

  10/28/2003 - Added full langpack  
   New full Hungarian langpack. Visit localization section.

  10/22/2003 - Subtitles Translator Homepage moved  
   Because my freehosting at isn't so free recently (they're asking to donate €25 just because they upgraded servers and are promising that this should be one-time-only payment which doesn't sound too trustful) so I decided to move the homepage to my own page since forum and localization was running on the server already. This way everything should be in one place and should be easier to maintain.

  10/16/2003 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.67b  
   The new version of Subtitles Translator brings the following bugfixes (as this is only "bugfree" release of 1.67 - no new langpack needed):
» Fixed a bug which caused dividing subtitles only in active grid.
» Some bugfixes that you could experience when working with expert editing features (replacing translated subtitles with empty lines What a lamer!!! ).

  10/02/2003 - Bugfix in ST 1.67  
   Thanks to Ageamiu who pointed out bug in ST 1.67, I bring you fixed version of ST 1.67 (
The bug appeared when you held mouse button on shortcut list in Config dialog and you drag the mouse out of bounds of the list. An error List index out of bounds (-2) appeared but wasn't critical and didn't affect functionality of the application. Anyway, now it's fixed, get it in Download section.

  10/01/2003 - Added full langpack  
   New full Romanian langpack. Visit localization section.

  09/23/2003 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.67  
   The new version of Subtitles Translator brings following features:
» Implemented Autosave feature for projects
» If frame cells are empty in both original and translation, filling frame numbers affect both original/translation
» Some minor bugfixes (Copy line SHIFT+ENTER added to shortcuts, adding extension to new project, etc.)

  09/19/2003 - up and running  
   Good news, everything is restored and running. Sorry for the inconvenience, I will do my best to prevent such a crashes in the future.

  09/13/2003 - site not working  
   Currently, site isn't working (HDD crash :( ), so all sections provided by the site aren't available (online localization and forum). Please be patient, the defect should be fixed within a few days (by the end of weekend hopefully).
Thanks for your patience.

  06/23/2003 - Subtitles Translator Guide  
   For all of you, who were asking for some tutorial or guide for Subtitles Translator there's a new section Guide. All the credits for the hard work go to Adrian Cotorogea who wrote this "small" guide.

  05/28/2003 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.66  
   The new version of Subtitles Translator brings following features:
» Added quick access to recent opened projects
» You can now reconfigure shortcuts to the most of the commands
» Lines in grid are now formatted according to {y:} and {c:} tags
» Line separator | is now marked in chosen color and you can specify max. number of characters in one line, otherwise the line is marked as too long
» Added volume and playback speed control
» Fixed some minor bugs (\n character in localization, read only edits, insert current frame in subtitles cell, +++)

  05/07/2003 - Decide the future of ST  
   On the ST forum, there was a request to change the Lock editing row in middle option behavior. Check the link to forum and download the altered version of Subtitles Translator.
Once you've tested it, express your opinion in the poll.

  04/23/2003 - Added langpack  
   New basic Vietnamese langpack. Visit localization section.

  04/12/2003 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.65 + online localization launched!!!  
   The new version of Subtitles Translator brings following features and bugfixes:
» Added option to "freeze" actual editing row in the middle of the grid (so you can see few lines back and ahead)
» Added option in configuration to remember movie window dimensions (so the display window doesn't get scaled according to movie resolution)
» Dialogs are now scaled according to DPI setting (fixed problem with large fonts enabled in Windows)
» Added option in configuration set the limit for overlapping frames - they get marked with red color (number of frames between lines and begin/end frames)
   The site for online localization has been launched, so if you already created langpack for ST, you'll receive email with login details or if your language is not listed, you can register to become localizator.

  04/04/2003 - Added langpack  
   New basic Greek langpack. Visit localization section.

  02/23/2003 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.64  
   The new version of Subtitles Translator brings following features and bugfixes:
» DRAG&DROP support for original and translated subtitles window.
» Easy copying of actual cell between Original->Translated / Translated->Original: press SHIFT+ENTER
» Added support for MicroDVD tags {Y:} and {C:$}.
» Displaying filenames of edited files (Project, Original and Translated files).
» Fixed errors in Display form (max. number of lines not getting saved properly and resizing of form upon changing values in config form).
» No more "Grid out of range" error messages.
»  Some minor bugs fixed (removed wrong dialog in Create project form, in Config form language pack info doesn't get scrolled down).

  02/23/2003 - Added langpack  
   New basic Catalan langpack. Visit localization section.
NOTE: Give me an hour or so and I'll upload new version of ST 1.64!!!

  01/12/2003 - NEW: Forum for Subtitles Translator  
   Ever dreamed of forum, where you could share your inner thoughts about Subtitles Translator? Wanted to ask some question but didn't have someone to listen? Well, your dreams came true. From today on, there's a forum for ST, just press the button FORUM on left or point your browser to

  11/28/2002 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.63  
   Ok, so here's the promised final version of Subtitles Translator which you could already test in it's beta state. It brings:
» Option Save As for original and translated subtitles.
» Altered behavior upon clicking on Save project when no project was specified - automatically going for new project and saving afterwards.
» Basic support for MicroDVD formatting (Bold, Italics, Underline, Color).

  11/21/2002 - Version 1.63 soon released  
   Well, guys, give me a few days and a brand new version of Subtitles Translator will be available together with so much wanted displaying of subtitles under video. It will support also basic formatting from MicroDVD format (color and style of font). The hard part's already done, I have to test it a bit and finish help and localization. If you wanna give it a try to new beta 1.63 follow the link.

  11/09/2002 - Added langpack  
   New basic Bulgarian langpack. Visit localization section.
I'd also like to ask people that translated langpacks for previous versions to send me updated files to newest version of Translator.
Note for others: if you want to update "your" langpack to newest version, just go ahead, grab the old one and add new lines from "SDK" langpack :)

  10/31/2002 - Added langpack  
   New basic Macedonian langpack. Visit localization section.

  10/26/2002 - Added langpack  
   New basic Turkish langpack. Visit localization section.

  10/17/2002 - Added langpack  
   New basic Hebrew langpack. Visit localization section.

  09/20/2002 - Added langpack  
   New basic Italian langpack. Visit localization section.

  09/06/2002 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.62  
   Through summer break I used the spare time to come up with new version of Subtitles Translator which includes these new features and bugfixes:
» New configuration options added for specifying some interface options (including colors, fonts, number of frames to rewind/forward).
» WinXP styled icons.
» Added routines for adding/subtracting number of frames from subtitles, changing framerate of subtitles.
» Checking if start/end frames are greater than the ones before (looking for typing mistakes).
» Fixed error with non-existing translated file when creating new project.
» Finally, fixed seekbar so you can quickly scan through the movie (as promised long-long time ago :-).

  08/03/2002 - Added langpack  
   The new full langpack is here for Portuguese language and basic langpack for Estonian language. Visit localization section.

  07/26/2002 - Fixed bug with non-working shortcut - build 1.61.151  
   I noticed that the shortcut for rewinding video before current line didn't work. Now it's fixed and changed to Ctrl+K, because / key is remapped on international keyboards.

  05/12/2002 - New version of Subtitles Translator - 1.61  
   Finally, it's here! The new version of Subtitles Translator 1.61 with the promised TAGging feature. There are also some bugfixes and various alternations including:
» TAG feature - you can mark lines you want to translate later.
» Fixed bug causing error when the translated file didn't exist.
» When you load new original subtitles file and you didn't save translated file, the message box gives you warning about this.
» The "-" bug is finally fixed!!!!
» The position and the size of display for video is saved in project file.
» Some dialogs made wider so different languages fit in.

  05/03/2002 - New design of site!!!  
   Finally, I managed to finish the new design for the site, and made it a bit more representative. I hope you'll enjoy the new look.
   There are new/old sections to the site - Features, where you'll find info on how the program looks and what it can do. Download, where you can download the newest version of Subtitles Translator as well as langpacks. Retro, where you'll find info how the program evolved in time and also older versions of Subtitles Translator. Localization will tell you everything you need to know for making langpack in your own language.
  04/01/2002 - Started work on new design  
   Ok, today's the day when I decided that the site for my program deserves a bit more fashionable and sophisticated look. So here we go, we'll see what comes out at the end.


Movie player with
subtitles support